Friday, June 12, 2009

In The Words Of...

Coach Jenny Glenn...

There is no better way to finish off a great spring season than relaxing on the beaches of Costa Rica. I joined Lyndsey and a group of friends to spend a week surfing, zip lining, volcano watching, and sunbathing. The highlight of the trip had to be zip lining over the canopies of the rainforest at the Monteverde Cloud Forest. There is nothing like soaring hundreds of feet above the trees and creatures! It was definitely my closest experience to flying. We also stood and stared at Arenal Volcano for over an hour waiting for it to erupt one night. Apparently it erupts quite often, but we decided that was just a way of getting gullible tourists to go there. Another highlight was surfing the beaches at Tamarindo. Thanks to a local surf instructor who spotted us rookies out and had pity…I was able to surf out an entire wave more than once! He was pretty tough and kept yelling at me to “bend your knees.” I had visions of what our athletes must feel like when I say that to them all the time :). Playing in the ocean, reading books, laying on the beach, playing water volleyball and water polo, dance lessons (apparently I know how to do the Merengue now :), and other random activities filled most of our days. Unfortunately, vacation ended and my tan quickly faded, but really, it is all about the stories anyway!

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