Wednesday, May 27, 2009

In The Words Of...

Julie Stephenson;

I knew this break was going to be a little different from all the ones in the past. First because it was going to be a much shorter time at home, and second because my permanent home had moved to Oklahoma. I flew into Oklahoma City the week after finals, where I was met by my dad and we only had to drive a short 10 minutes to thier new home. The house is brand new, and really nice. I am happy they are finally settled again in a permanent location that they like, it is just so different being away from where i grew up, and away from all of my friends. That first week, my mom took off work to hang out with me which was really nice. We did a lot of shopping, and did really good! This is cause for concern though considering my bag was already over $50 the first time around and I was stuffing jeans into my purse. I'm just going to have to leave it home and have my mom ship it I guess. Couldn't have passed up those sales!

The next week, after my mom and I shopped our hearts out, we went to my home town, Augusta. While my parents went back after the weekend was over, I stayed with my brother for the week. That way I could spend time with my best friends from home, and everyone else that i've missed. I have had a blast seeing everyone, but the best part has been spending so much time with my niece! She is about to turn 3, and acts like she is 16. So she can be quite the pistol, but she is the cutest thing ever! Also, during my time in Augusta, I colored my hair for the first time in my life! AHH! I was so nervous to do it, but it turned out good, and im glad that i did (it's only highlights a shade or two lighter than my natural color, so no biggie).

At the end of that week, my entire family (me, two brothers, sister-in-law, and niece) went to Oklahoma to stay with my parents for Memorial Day Weekend. It was a really fun weekend. We got to go to the zoo! It was a long 5 hours of walking, but definitely worth it. Then of course my mom, sister-in-law and I had to hit the mall again for all the really good holiday sales! I rode back to Augusta with them to stay in town just a couple more days, then I will be heading back to Oklahoma yet once again. I will then stay there for the remainder of my break which is until Wednesday, June 3rd, where I will be coming back to all of you in Greeley!

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