Friday, May 22, 2009

In The Words Of...

Taylor Smith;

Update from Texas!!!!

Howdy ya'll! Well things are sunny and bright down here in the Lone Star State, I have been up to quite a lot. The first few days I was home it was really rainy and there were thunderstorms, so I wasn't too happy about my tanning schedule being pushed back. My whole family works at the high school I graduated from and they are still in school, so I have been the only one at home, well except my Austrailian Shepherd companions: Laddie, Sassy, and Angus and my cat Jessi. There are plenty of activities to keep me from boredom down here though, such as Texas Rangers games, where I got great seats, caught a free t-shirt, almost caught a foul ball (if i would have had my glove on and wasn't taking a picture with my friends), witnessed two home runs in one inning, and saw a fireworks show in the ballpark after the game. I got caught up on all my season finale's including Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, and Grey's Anatomy. This last week I took a trip down to College Station, TX home of the Texas A&M Fightin' Aggies to visit one of my best friends, we had a grand ole Texas time, eating Mexican food and meeting some real bull riders! Then last night some friends of mine and I went to a minor league baseball game, called the Frisco Rough Riders, and we got in for free because the ticket machines were down. Tonight I went to my club volleyball team's end of the year banquet as an alumni guest and it was really good seeing some of my former teammates and coaches. Tomorrow night I plan on going to one of the most famous Texas dance halls in Ft. Worth called Billy Bob's to get my two-step on! In the midst of all this fun, I have been doing my exercise routines and I must admit I haven't planned the timing out so well because I ususally do it in the middle of the day in the sweltering Texas heat and humidity. But all is good and I know I'll be ready when I come back to Colorado. I have talked to a few of my teammates usually via text and it seems they are all doing well too. I am soaking up all I can back home, and eating as many home-cooked meals, mexican food, and barbeque as I can while I'm down here!
Ya'll take care now! =)

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