Thursday, May 21, 2009

In The Words Of...

Here is what Allison Raguse is up to;

Well, let's see...What have I been up to in Lincoln this summer? Besides grumpily dragging myself out of my cozy recliner in my backyard to go run at the track (believe me, it's been a struggle), I really haven't been doing anything cool. I've played with my one-year old (and slightly psychotic) lab puppy Kasey a whole bunch. She likes to wake me up by pouncing on my bed and biting my's lovely. We even went on a run around the park last week...but it was way to much of an arm workout trying to keep her from chasing rabbits and birds to ever attempt that adventure again. Other than hanging out with the dog, I have just been seeing a few of my high school friends, playing some Sims (sad, yet true), trying to work on making a resume, and researching grad school stuff. And most excitingly...*drumroll*...I went to the library today and checked out three new books! Yay! I just finished up The Brothers Karamazov, which started out super slow, but ended up being quite good in the last 300 pages or so. I only have two more weeks until I need to be back in Greeley, so I guess I'm gonna have to read them quick! Good thing I have nothing to do with my time :). Ahh...I love summer...It's a great time to be a nerd.

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