Wednesday, May 27, 2009

In The Words Of...

Julie Stephenson;

I knew this break was going to be a little different from all the ones in the past. First because it was going to be a much shorter time at home, and second because my permanent home had moved to Oklahoma. I flew into Oklahoma City the week after finals, where I was met by my dad and we only had to drive a short 10 minutes to thier new home. The house is brand new, and really nice. I am happy they are finally settled again in a permanent location that they like, it is just so different being away from where i grew up, and away from all of my friends. That first week, my mom took off work to hang out with me which was really nice. We did a lot of shopping, and did really good! This is cause for concern though considering my bag was already over $50 the first time around and I was stuffing jeans into my purse. I'm just going to have to leave it home and have my mom ship it I guess. Couldn't have passed up those sales!

The next week, after my mom and I shopped our hearts out, we went to my home town, Augusta. While my parents went back after the weekend was over, I stayed with my brother for the week. That way I could spend time with my best friends from home, and everyone else that i've missed. I have had a blast seeing everyone, but the best part has been spending so much time with my niece! She is about to turn 3, and acts like she is 16. So she can be quite the pistol, but she is the cutest thing ever! Also, during my time in Augusta, I colored my hair for the first time in my life! AHH! I was so nervous to do it, but it turned out good, and im glad that i did (it's only highlights a shade or two lighter than my natural color, so no biggie).

At the end of that week, my entire family (me, two brothers, sister-in-law, and niece) went to Oklahoma to stay with my parents for Memorial Day Weekend. It was a really fun weekend. We got to go to the zoo! It was a long 5 hours of walking, but definitely worth it. Then of course my mom, sister-in-law and I had to hit the mall again for all the really good holiday sales! I rode back to Augusta with them to stay in town just a couple more days, then I will be heading back to Oklahoma yet once again. I will then stay there for the remainder of my break which is until Wednesday, June 3rd, where I will be coming back to all of you in Greeley!

Resident Ducks!

Because they are renovating our building (Butler-Hancock), the entire athletic department has recently been moved to a formerly abandoned high school that is in the center of our campus. In the courtyard of this school is a female duck and her 10 chicks. We will be sure to keep up on how they are doing. For now, here is some video of her and the courtyard.

Friday, May 22, 2009

In The Words Of...

Taylor Smith;

Update from Texas!!!!

Howdy ya'll! Well things are sunny and bright down here in the Lone Star State, I have been up to quite a lot. The first few days I was home it was really rainy and there were thunderstorms, so I wasn't too happy about my tanning schedule being pushed back. My whole family works at the high school I graduated from and they are still in school, so I have been the only one at home, well except my Austrailian Shepherd companions: Laddie, Sassy, and Angus and my cat Jessi. There are plenty of activities to keep me from boredom down here though, such as Texas Rangers games, where I got great seats, caught a free t-shirt, almost caught a foul ball (if i would have had my glove on and wasn't taking a picture with my friends), witnessed two home runs in one inning, and saw a fireworks show in the ballpark after the game. I got caught up on all my season finale's including Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, and Grey's Anatomy. This last week I took a trip down to College Station, TX home of the Texas A&M Fightin' Aggies to visit one of my best friends, we had a grand ole Texas time, eating Mexican food and meeting some real bull riders! Then last night some friends of mine and I went to a minor league baseball game, called the Frisco Rough Riders, and we got in for free because the ticket machines were down. Tonight I went to my club volleyball team's end of the year banquet as an alumni guest and it was really good seeing some of my former teammates and coaches. Tomorrow night I plan on going to one of the most famous Texas dance halls in Ft. Worth called Billy Bob's to get my two-step on! In the midst of all this fun, I have been doing my exercise routines and I must admit I haven't planned the timing out so well because I ususally do it in the middle of the day in the sweltering Texas heat and humidity. But all is good and I know I'll be ready when I come back to Colorado. I have talked to a few of my teammates usually via text and it seems they are all doing well too. I am soaking up all I can back home, and eating as many home-cooked meals, mexican food, and barbeque as I can while I'm down here!
Ya'll take care now! =)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

In The Words Of...

Here is what Allison Raguse is up to;

Well, let's see...What have I been up to in Lincoln this summer? Besides grumpily dragging myself out of my cozy recliner in my backyard to go run at the track (believe me, it's been a struggle), I really haven't been doing anything cool. I've played with my one-year old (and slightly psychotic) lab puppy Kasey a whole bunch. She likes to wake me up by pouncing on my bed and biting my's lovely. We even went on a run around the park last week...but it was way to much of an arm workout trying to keep her from chasing rabbits and birds to ever attempt that adventure again. Other than hanging out with the dog, I have just been seeing a few of my high school friends, playing some Sims (sad, yet true), trying to work on making a resume, and researching grad school stuff. And most excitingly...*drumroll*...I went to the library today and checked out three new books! Yay! I just finished up The Brothers Karamazov, which started out super slow, but ended up being quite good in the last 300 pages or so. I only have two more weeks until I need to be back in Greeley, so I guess I'm gonna have to read them quick! Good thing I have nothing to do with my time :). Ahh...I love summer...It's a great time to be a nerd.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


We had our annual UNC Athletics Awards Banquet on Friday night. We had several honors...
Kenzie Shreeve - Most Outstanding Athlete
Allison Raguse - All-Bear Team
Taylor Smith - Strength & Conditioning All-American Award
As a team we were crowned with the CHAMPS/Life Skills Cup. It goes to the team with the highest point total for community service, attending other sporting events, and team enhancement workshops.
Way to go, volleyball!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Baby Animal Days

One of our favorite community services is working at the Plumb Farm on Baby Animal Days. On both Wednesday and Thursday of last week, our team headed to the farm (which is right in town) around 12:30 and we were done around 4:00. During that time we learned about the animals they have at the farm, and then relayed that information to the young kids that came through to visit. Many of the kiddo's came with parents, but some also came with their classes from several of the local elementary schools. This year, the kittens (only about 5 weeks old) and the puppy (6 weeks old, named Lacy) were the favorites among our girls. Bre VanDerMost, although, fell in love with the pigs. It was a great time for our girls all the while providing a valuable service to the community.