Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In The Words Of...

RaeLynn Snyder

Summer is by far my favorite season. Though every summer is special in some way, this summer has been extra special for my family. My brother Bryan got married to his fiancĂ©, Sarah, on June 16, 2009. Preparing for the wedding was of course a lot of work, but a ton of fun! As Maid of Honor, I had a lot of duties, but wouldn’t have traded them for anything because I had so much fun wedding planning. Bryan and Sarah got married right here in Greeley, CO on a beautiful summer day. It was awesome to have our family and Sarah’s family together for the first time. Now I have the sister that I have always wanted. To add to the wedding, my brother found out at the beginning of June that he had been hired as the assistant nutritionist for the Denver Broncos. They just moved into a new apartment in Denver that is very close to Invesco, and so far he absolutely loves his job. How could you not love going to lunch with Head coach, Josh McDaniels and Champ Bailey? I am still waiting for Broncos tickets and a “bring your sister to work” day. J
For me, I have been up in Greeley pretty much all summer. We have all been working extremely hard lifting weights, ploys, and running everyday. We all have our goals in mind and are working towards them each and every day. Working out has been tough, but we have found little ways to reward ourselves like slip and sliding and building forts out of blankets and sheets just for fun while eating s’mores. I went home with senior, Kenzie Shreeve for a weekend as well. We had a lot of fun together and it was nice to get away and escape to the mountains for a few days. Family and friends mean a lot to me so it was really nice to have the chance to go home for the 4th of July. My grandparents have a beautiful meadow in the middle of nowhere with an old chicken coup on their property where they have a big cook out, dance, and fireworks show every year. It is a lot of fun and really neat to see my family and spend some time with them. While I was home, my dad thought it would be funny to have a water fight on a 90 degree day in Simla, CO. It is such a small town, a water fight is some of the best entertainment you can do in a town like Simla. We all know who won this water fight…my dad! Yes, I admit it. He was pretty good even though we both got soaked. It wasn’t too fair though that he got all the water balloons. No complaining though, he’ll get it next time. I also got to see a lot of my friends while I was home too. I went to a movie and dinner with two of my best friends from high school, which was a lot of fun. It was great to see some of my closest buds.
Now it is back to reality with running and lifting and starting camps. It will be nice to get some money here is July while most of us girls will be helping out with Volleyball camps. Our 2009 season is just about here and after our spring and how hard we have been working this summer, I am getting very anxious. I can’t wait! GO BEARS!

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