Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's Day Dance

On the 15th of February, we once again took our girls over to the local senior home. They were having a Valentine's day dance and we were invited. Of course we accepted! It was a ton of fun as our girls learned several dances, then used their new-found skills with the seniors. At the end of the dance, the seniors requested to see the team dance the way they do "now-a-days." It was great fun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


On Feb 11th, the University of Northern Colorado's Athletic Department invited young ladies from the local area to participate in the NGWSD.... The National Girls and Women in Sports Day. It was a lot of fun watching all these young ones running around playing a bunch of different sports. Here is a short video to show how it went....of course, Volleyball is highlighted in the sport...but what do you expect, right?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spring Training!

Here we are, just starting off our Spring season and our kids have already been in the gym for three weeks! As of now, we are running individual groups. Each athlete is allowed two hours of instruction per week. So, we divide that into three forty minute segments. Then, we divide them into position groups. Tom works with the middle blockers, Jenny works with the defensive kids, and the outsides with their ball control and defense, and Lyndsey works with the setters and the outsides with attacking. It is great that we can all compliment each other so well.

Many people think that we just work out in the fall, and we are done... I would bet that if you ask our athletes which season was more difficult for them to get through they would all say that the Spring is more tough than the Fall. In the Fall, you get to compete every week. In the Spring, it is drilling, reps, lifting, and conditioning. Right now, Fall seems so far away, yet our girls are already working for another Big Sky Championship. Here is a quick video to show you what it looks like...