Monday, December 7, 2009


I can't believe it is done. Last night we had our Christmas party and that signals the end of our season.

The end of our year was awesome. The day after we won the Big Sky Conference championship, we all met at Old Chicago's to watch the ESPN selection show. It was a standing-room-only crowd as we got to hear our name called out on live TV! It was an exciting time to be a Bear!

After that, we had a chance to play #6 ranked Washington in the first round of the NCAA tournament. We played them tough, taking the first game from them. We also had great chances in games 3 and 4. Alas, we fell to the Huskies, but we had a great showing.

As coaches, we just want to take a moment to all of you who have been coming to our matches, following us on Big Sky TV, or even following this blog. We really appreciate your support. It means more to us and our athletes than you probably know. It has been a real privilege being a part of this program this year. Now, it is time for a bit of a break....some holiday fun with family, then back to work in mid-January to prepare for next season!

Make sure to keep up on the blog though! The Spring season is always full of fun little things that we do as a program. Just because our competitive season is done it doesn't mean that we go away...oh no. I think our returning players are already imagining hoisting another trophy next year!

From all of us here to all of you, have a great holiday season!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Wagon!

This short video is from the 15' Wagon in Spokane. We stopped by the wagon for a little photo shoot after our morning practice on the day we won the conference tournament.

The picture of the girls on the slide is particularly memorable. The girls on the bottom were supporting the weight of all of the girls above, so they were getting extremely uncomfortable as the girls above kept stacking on. A couple of our kids got a nice bruise or two, but it was well worth it. We all had a good chuckle about it... Then won the tournament!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Thanksgiving night we had a dessert banquet where we were asked to introduce ourselves "creatively" and to tell a story about the coaching staff/team. While the other team did a basic introduction, this is what our girls came up with....

The song in from a Saturday Night Live skit with Will Ferrell. Funny stuff.